RPCS3 Rendering Improvements!

RPCS3 Rendering Improvements!

The RPCS3 emulator has been something I have been keeping an eye on over the past year, despite it being available for almost 6 years. The reason for this is because over these last few months there has been a massive amount of improvements to the software with the aim of improving compatibility and support ..

Driving Games That Were Ahead of Their Time

Driving Games That Were Ahead of Their Time

No one can deny that the 90s were definitory for the games we play today. But it is very likely few developers expected that the ideas that emerged then, in the era of arcade games and low-graphics, would still be going strong now. Games like Need for Speed, Gran Turismo, or even Mario Kart all ..

Handheld games in your Browser? Yes Please!

Handheld games in your Browser? Yes Please!

The Internet Archive are no strangers to emulation and they have expanded their online emulation collection  even further recently with a number of handheld games. These are games that many of you may have had as a kid when you weren’t allowed or simply didn’t have a GameBoy. It was 4 years ago that the ..

Yubico YubiKey 4 – Review

Yubico YubiKey 4 – Review

I’m a big fan of 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) and with the amount of news about data breaches, everyone else should be too. There are several ways of getting 2FA up and running and practically all modern services support some method of securing your accounts. The majority use your phone in some manner, either for ..

Omega Labyrinth Z – Refused a Classification in UK

Omega Labyrinth Z – Refused a Classification in UK

  I never thought I would have to make a news post about a game getting refused classification here in the UK. This is the news for PQube’s soon to be released Omega Labyrinth Z however. The VSC here in the UK have issued a statement about the refusal, stating that “The VSC Rating Board ..

Play Expo to take on London

Play Expo to take on London

  The ever growing Play Expo is set to take on London with a new event in August this year. Taking over The Printworks in Surrey Quays, Play Expo London looks to bring what made the Play Expo in Manchester (and all the offshoots) a success to the capital. So this will mean row after ..

Spring Insomnia – A few weeks away

Spring Insomnia – A few weeks away

Insomnia 62 is just a few short weeks away and is taking place once again over the Easter Bank Holiday. Whilst the spring event is normally a smaller affair than the one that takes place over the Summer Bank Holiday. It still has plenty of events and attractions to keep you busy over the weekend. ..

Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash – PC – Review

Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash – PC – Review

Today, Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash releases on Steam. After seeing footage of the original PS4 version of the game I really couldn’t wait to give this game a go. But I am just one of many people who do not own a PS4 which means I had to wait what seemed like an eternity ..

Senran Kagura : Peach Beach Splash – Out on PC 7th of March

  Well it’s happening, Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash, one of my favourite games, is making the leap to from console to Windows tomorrow and from what I have seen so far nothing has changed since the EU PS4 release before Christmas. You can pre-order it over on Steam for £25 up until it releases ..

devolo dLAN 1200 triple+ – Review

devolo dLAN 1200 triple+ – Review

I can’t believe it’s been nearly two years since I last looked at a product from devolo. With the devolo dLAN 1200+ Wi-Fi being reviewed favourably back in April 2016. Today I am taking a look at a product from the same dLAN 1200 range, no Wi-Fi this time but three gigabit ports for all ..

Shaq Fu is actually coming out?

Shaq Fu is actually coming out?

Shaq Fu The Legend Reborn has been a worry of mine for a bit of time now. I first wrote about it almost 4 years ago as it hit its crowd funding goal. Since then there have been a few updates here and there but apart from a few short trailers, its all been a ..

Nippon Marathon – Available on Steam Early Access

Nippon Marathon – Available on Steam Early Access

If you remember a few months ago I had a brief go of Nippon Marathon, an upcoming game from Onion Soup Interactive. Well I have good news, it is now available on Steams Early Access Platform. It is a game that harks back to the good old days of local multiplayer games like Micro Machines ..