Marron’s Day – PC – Review

Marron's Day Title

Whilst looking through the recently released games on good old keymailer I was intrigued by a game that looked like it had shot right out of a Gameboy.

Marron’s Day is a charming game where you play as the titular Marron who is out to save the town festival. Your task, if you choose to accept it, is to get the rest of your animal friends to sign up to the festival and host a table.

Whilst this may seem easy at first, you are sent on One Small Favour levels of help to get everyone to sign up. As each member of the town has their own little requirements before they’ll commit to signing up to help you out and not everyone shares Marron’s enthusiasm for the festival itself.

Starting out is simple as you are explore the village to ask each person about the festival and what it would take to get them to get a table. Setting you out on your quests accordingly….

A yellow and purple screenshot from Marron's Day

Each screen of the village is nicely represented in different colour pallettes which immediately break up the OG green colour scheme of the starting area.

The game is vibrant and lively and reminds me of playing games back on my GameBoy Colour back in the day (I’m old)

Gameplay is nice and simple, I mean it is a cozy game afterall. You are at the whimsy of the story as you play as you flow through the game you are introduced to new characters.

A screenshot of the forest area from Marron's Day

Along the way there are minigames to play, such as fishing, growing plants in the garden and a very RnG eraser game.

As with any adventure game, there is a lot of trekking across the various screens but owing to the music and the colourful sprites this never felt like a chore. Especially when there are a few hidden areas to search for to make you really scour the map to make sure you find it all.

Quests will be sending you all around the village to complete the needs of the villagers. Whether that be finding all kinds of special rocks, coming up with a new recipe for a snack or even going and yanking out pesky dandelions.

Marron’s Day is a short and comfortable adventure coming in at around 3 hours (if you get stuck finding the rocks like me) A bit longer if you want to collect everything.

Once you have met the goal to get the festival going. You get to meet up with all your friends again and see their stuff and receive their thanks for helping them. You can even spend a little bit of your money to buy items from your friends as well to get a bit more dialogue.

This little part at the end, where everyone started to thank Marron made me really smile it was such a nice way to have everyone come together. Marron even becomes the one in charge of the festival!

Once you’ve beaten the game, you are given the opportunity to load into the prologue allowing you to play the events leading up to the start of the game. As well as being able to go back into the game just before the festival starts so you can go and complete all the little things to get your 100% completion.

Thank you to Keymailer and RawrLAB Games for the opportunity for playing such a cozy game.


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