Attitude One Rapira One – Review

Attitude One Rapira One – Review

Gaming mice are a very personal item, much like keyboards if you find one that fits it is hard to ever come to replace it. I myself have gone through lots of mice before finally settling, and I know which one I would pick in a heartbeat if ever asked. Attitude One are the provider once again ..

Lexar JumpDrive Secure 64GB – Review

Lexar JumpDrive Secure 64GB – Review

Like some kind of idiot…there was meant to be an unboxing of the Lexar Jump Drive M10 but my recording setup unfortunately had some issues and did not want to record audio. The review is in full swing however. So lets get started! Lexar are a subsidiary of Micron Technology and they have Crucial as ..

All the Pics @ I52

All the Pics @ I52

All the Pics @ I52 was last modified: August 24th, 2014 by Yorkie

Dave Plays at Insomnia 52

Dave Plays at Insomnia 52

This weekend made the long trip down to Coventry for the Multiplay Iseries Lan Festival, I52. It was an interesting experience with it being the first Insomnia I went to, but thanks to Ducky myself and Steve from managed to snag some day tickets for the Saturday. Held for the second time at ..

ZOTAC ZBOX EN760 Plus Review

ZOTAC ZBOX EN760 Plus Review

In the past ZBOX’s have been a bit of a mixed bag, sometimes downright underpowered and other times being beautifully adept sleeper PC’s. Today I am going to be taking a look at one that aims to be more of the latter, in the form of the ZOTAC ZBOX EN760 Plus I have to be honest I ..

Netgear D6200 Wireless Router Review

Netgear D6200 Wireless Router Review

Netgear, now theres a manufacturer that I haven’t used in a long time. Not on purpose mind you. Just that networking products are something I have seldom needed over the past few years. Today all that changes, with the receipt of the Netgear D6200 Router. The Netgear D6200 is not the newest bit of kit ..

Patriot Fuel+ 2200 mAh Portable Battery – Review

Patriot Fuel+ 2200 mAh Portable Battery – Review

Patriot are a company that should be known to everyone, however being one of the largest memory and flash media manufacturers certainly helps. They also have a wide range of accessories available to purchase including tablet cases and hard drive enclosures.  In the post recently however I received a slightly different product from them in ..

Kingston HyperX 3K 120GB SSD Review

Kingston HyperX 3K 120GB SSD Review

Once again Kingston have graced me with a product to review, this time I have been graced with a rather nice Kingston Hyper X 120GB 3K SSD (Part Code SH103S3B/120G) so firstly thank you Kingston! You should all know who Kingston are by now, but if not let me tell you, they are one of ..

Testing the Sun-Ho Tech Bluetooth Speaker

Testing the Sun-Ho Tech Bluetooth Speaker

Today (well not today really)  I  went to test the hands free part of the Sun-Ho Tech Bluetooth speaker. With my good friend on the other end saying how well it performs. Prepare for awkward silence!     Once again thanks to Sun-Ho Tech for providing me with the item to test! Testing the Sun-Ho ..

Arctic British Breeze Desktop Fan Review

Arctic British Breeze Desktop Fan Review

Before starting I would like to thank Arctic for jinxing the British weather, not even a day after receiving the Arctic British Breeze the warm weather that we were experiencing here oop north disappeared and it decided to pour down with rain. Brilliant! Finally though the weather has finally taken a turn for the better ..

SUN-HO Tech Bluetooth Speaker Unboxing and Review

SUN-HO Tech Bluetooth Speaker Unboxing and Review

This is the first of hopefully many video unboxing and reviews.  Today I am taking a look at a bluetooth speaker from SUN-HO Technology who are based in Taiwan. As you can see from the video it performs exceptionally well, and has many features, including: Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity up to 10M range. Play/Pause Volume ..