Optoma NuForce NE800M Earphones – Review
In Use
To begin I decided to use the provided silicone tips with the NE800M’s. I then put them to the test as my daily drivers using them for my journey to and from work each day. With my usual mix of FLAC music stored directly on my phone being used to test the earphones.
All equaliser options were disabled as was any bass boost on the phone before the test.
As the days passed with a mix of metal, acoustic and classical music that was playing I was unhappy with the overall comfort and audio quality of the NE800M earphones. This was a bit jarring and remained the case when I swapped the silicone tips for other tips from other earphones I have used.
At that point I swapped the silicone tips for the smaller pair of Comply memory foam tips. After getting used to them over another few days, the improved sealing properties made for a far more comfortable feel and far improved sound response.
The Comply tips seal was very impressive and improved the audio performance a lot. They also immediately felt extremely secure in my ears.
The cable is stated to be anti-tangle but is coated in a very rubbery and therefore grippy material. After placing the NuForce NE800M in my bag for example they became tangled quite quickly and because of this coating were a bit more awkward to untangle than my regular set of earphones.
The jack for the NE800 is L-shaped and quite short. This is a nice design as it means that there is little flex applied to the jack and makes it feel more secure.
The controls on my android device were a bit finicky as they required multiple quick presses of the button to achieve the various actions. If you weren’t quick enough, you would merely pause music for example rather than skipping.
The microphone was adequate in my brief uses; I do like that it is on the left earpiece and not the right as I am left handed so it made the buttons easier to press.