American Hero – PS4 – Review

American Hero is a full-motion video (FMV) game that was originally developed in the early 1990s but never released. It was finally released in 2021 after being restored and “remastered”. The game stars Michael Paré as Jack, a former American intelligence officer who is pulled out of retirement to stop a terrorist plot.

I managed to pick up the PS4 release of the game from LimitedRunGames and finally played through it recently..

American Hero is a campy, over-the-top action movie that is clearly inspired by the films of the 1980s and 1990s. The acting is cheesy, the plot is ridiculous, and the action sequences are over-the-top. But that’s all part of the charm of American Hero. It’s a game that knows exactly what it is and doesn’t try to be anything else.

The game is played entirely through FMV sequences. You’ll watch Jack as he travels around the world, fighting bad guys and saving the day. You’ll also have to make choices that will affect the outcome of the story. These choices are often humorous or absurd, but they can also have a significant impact on the game. Though normally the incorrect option will simply result in your quirky death.

The FMV’s have been remastered through AI upscaling and it is very apparent as a lot of the scenes are very mushy and have big problems with how things look. With faces often looking like they are colour versions of the Take on Me video as they move around whilst you watch.

The checkpoint system is a little tedious, if you die you can start again from the last one but you have to sit through any dialogue up to the point of your choice again which slows everything down. This is more punishing in some parts of the game as you can have several choices to make and will have to replay all of them again to progress.

American Hero is a short game, but it’s a lot of fun. It’s a great way to experience a piece of gaming history and to have a good laugh. If you’re a fan of cheesy action movies, then you’ll definitely enjoy American Hero.



  • Campy, over-the-top action movie masquerading as a game
  • Cheesy acting and plot
  • Over-the-top action sequences
  • Short and sweet


  • Can be repetitive
  • Checkpoints are a little tedious

Overall, American Hero is a fun and cheesy action game that is sure to entertain fans of the genre. It’s not a game for everyone, but if you’re looking for a good laugh, then you should definitely check it out.


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